Programs & Services

We provide a safe, supportive environment and the resources necessary for homeless and at-risk families with children to remain together while empowering them to become independent and self-sufficient.

Our Programs

Thomas House delivers two key programs: Transitional Shelter and Supportive Services and Homeless Prevention, both offering tailored support to empower families towards resilience and independence. We provide more than shelter, equipping individuals with the tools for long-term success

Transitional Shelter

Thomas House provides transitional rent-free shelter in 20 fully furnished apartment units with food, supplies, and clothing. Families receive weekly groceries and supplies from our on-site food pantry, and new or gently used clothing from community vouchers and donations.


Homeless Prevention

Discover how our holistic approach is breaking the cycle of homelessness and paving the way for brighter futures.

Our Transitional Shelter Process

What People Have to Say

{I would recommend to anyone in need to apply at Thomas House, because if they follow the structure, they will get the help that they need for their family and themselves. I paid off $2,000 in credit card debt and my credit has grown, I’m extremely proud of my financial journey.{
Thomas House Graduate
{Thomas House was my root to grow and my helping hand when I needed it most. “I am sincerely grateful to the Thomas house foundation and team for choosing my family and making them part of Thomas house.{
Thomas House Graduate
{The services have helped me come to realize that I am not alone and that it is okay to ask for help. Throughout this process, I have determined that I am valued and loved by many people. This has helped me with my mental health because I struggled with low self-esteem but having these people/services has made me value life.{
Thomas House Youth

Success Stories: Martha

Martha's Story

Meet Martha Figueora, Thomas House’s Operations Manager, whose journey from resident to leader embodies the resilience of our community. From seeking refuge to now steering operations, Martha’s story is a testament to the transformative power of hope.

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